Day One : Cease Striving and Make Room

Day One: Cease Striving and Make Room


Psalm 46:8-11: 8 Come, see the works of the Lord, who brings devastation

on the earth. 9 He makes wars cease throughout the earth. He shatters bows

and cuts spears to pieces; He sets wagons ablaze. 10 “Stop fighting, and know

that I am God, exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth.” 11 The Lord of

Armies is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah


The opening phrase of Psalm 46:10 translates to, “stop your fighting,” “be still,”

or “cease striving.” God declares for both His people and His foes to recognize

His power and give up struggling against His purposes. He stops wars, shatters

weapons, and conquers kingdoms without breaking a sweat. Our call and

privilege is to know Him, to see Him high and exalted, and humble ourselves to

His great, unshakable plan.


So much of our time and energy gets wrapped up in building our own little

kingdoms. We work hard to get the promotion, establish our home, gain the

reputation, or any number of other achievements. We even let our faith get

reduced to an exercise in effort we can control. We falsely believe church

attendance, moral choices, and good works earn God’s pleasure. In Psalm 46

God urges, “cease striving! Just be still and know me. Understand how much

bigger and higher and greater I am than your preoccupations. Don’t reduce me

to a set of rules, make room for ME!”


Ask God to search your heart and reveal where you are striving right now. Are

you striving to build your own little kingdom at work or home? Are you trying to

control your own faith by following rules instead of experiencing true

communion with God? Pray that God would still your heart and show you He is

exalted among the nations. Pray you can humble yourself and know Him better


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