John 15:4-5: 4 Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. 5 I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.
When we get frustrated with life, it’s easy to feel frustrated with God. We wonder why things are going wrong and feel angry in our circumstances. But how often does our frustrations and fruitlessness come from a lack of abiding in the Lord’s presence and listening to His teachings. In these verses, Jesus is reminding us that the only way to a fulfilling life is through our relationship with Him. Without Him we can do nothing, but with Him we are blessed beyond measure.
This decision to abide in Christ is not a one and done choice. Because of our sinful nature, there is a constant spiritual battle going on inside us. Every single day we must wake up and choose to spend time with Jesus, to dwell in His presence, and learn from His Word. When we learn to maintain this habit of walking with Christ, He blesses us in ways that we can’t imagine. When Jesus says “apart from me you can do nothing” we need to recognize that this comes down to us making a choice to live in obedience and unity with Christ. We must acknowledge that whenever we try to do things on our own, we are like a branch that withers away, and it is only through God that we can be fruitful.
Whatever is currently going on in your life, take a few moments to include God in it. Jesus wants to be a part of every decision, and in every aspect of your journey. Ask the Lord to walk with you as you take on the highs and lows of daily life and ask for help in keeping your heart open to His presence, His voice, and His guidance.